LibertySoft* produces many types of documents for various output media, in the individual layout requirements of a company’s corporate design.
What does LibertySoft do?
LibertySoft transforms source data automatically into formatted documents or simply into a new required format suitable for your communications requirements (B2B, B2C), such as XML, PDF or HTML.
It can output the formatted documents or required output data stream dynamically to multiple output channels. Thus at the same time as printing – including very high volumes in very fast times – digital versions of the documents can be forwarded to a document archiving system or as an attachment by email. LibertySoft is therefore also used to automate the distribution and sorting of output documents.
LibertySoft users experience numerous benefits, e.g. the production of particularly customer-oriented documents, which bind these customers closer to your company and reduce the number of customer queries in total, or cost savings achieved thanks to an optimized data processing by replacing traditional paper forms of communication with electronic document transfer through to the recipient (e.g. per email).
*also known as LaserSoft in German-speaking territories and named hereafter LibertySoft
Integration and structure
Input data formats
Output channels and data formats
*also known as LaserSoft in German-speaking territories
We can arrange a demo for you as soon as possible, please get in touch.
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